
Bend Public Library Upstairs Closed for Carpet Replacement October 1 - November 1

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Date Posted:  9/29/2005

After nearly a decade of hundreds of thousands of visitors walking through the Bend Public Library, the time has come to replace the well-worn carpet upstairs.

“The Deschutes Public Libraries truly are loved to death,” said Community Relations manager Chantal Strobel. “More than 1,500 people visit the Bend Library each day. The impact on the building has been manageable but we are seeing areas that need repair.”

The upstairs area will be closed from October 1 – November 1. The Internet stations will be available upstairs beginning October 4.

“We are striving to maintain service as usual during the carpet replacement,” said Strobel. “The upstairs collections will be moved downstairs into the Brooks Meeting Room on the first floor. A reference information desk will be in the lobby of the Library and staff will retrieve materials that are not available in the Brooks Room.”

According to Strobel, the Library is taking advantage of the carpet replacement to provide a more intuitive layout of the upstairs area.

“We have to move furniture and stacks for the carpet replacement and thought this was an opportune time to make some practical changes to the upstairs space to provide better viewing of collections, add more quiet areas for reading, and take advantage of the natural light by rotating the book stacks,” said Strobel. “Another benefit to the improved space is the addition of more than 15 Internet stations.”

Library staff is available to help answer your questions and to assist as you conduct your research. Contact any branch library or the Reference Department at (541) 617-7080.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
