
Got Football?

Posted By:  Liz Goodrich
Date Posted:  1/16/2005

Deschutes Public Library welcomes Bend High’s head football coach Craig Walker for a program titled “Gridiron For Greenhorns” on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. in the Brooks Room of the Bend Public Library. This program is free and open to the public.

On a Sunday in February, many Americans will gather around a television set for the annual tradition of high-calorie snacks, a favorite beverage and the Super Bowl. From its high-profile halftime performances to its showcase of original commercials, the Super Bowl has come to epitomize the glitz and glamour of American sport. If you feel alienated because you don’t understand the difference between an onside kick and a punt or you’re not sure what a two-point conversion is, Coach Walker can help.

Although football has roots in Europe, Walker says, American football has wide appeal because of its fast pace and rough-and-tumble action. Watching a football game can be confusing for the uninitiated, but understanding simple things like who is on offense and who is on defense can make watching a game more enjoyable, adds Walker. Walker, who has been the head football coach at Bend High for the past 17 years, says that a great way to gain an understanding of the game is to attend a local high school game or practice. “It’s cheap entertainment and it’s fun.” He also notes that watching games can be great “together time” with spouse and family. If you need basic instruction now, before the Super Bowl, plan on attending “Gridiron For Greenhorns.” Afterwards, you’ll feel confident when you stand up at the Super Bowl party and loudly protest that egregiously wrong call by the blind guy in the black-and-white striped jersey.

For more information about this or other library programs, please call 312-1032 or visit www.dpls.lib.or.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
