Attention Aquarium Keepers!
Posted By: Liz Goodrich
Date Posted: 9/29/2005
Deschutes Public Library is pleased to welcome Sisters resident and cichlid expert, David Soares, for a program at the Sisters Public Library on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. This program is free and open to the public.
David Soares has been keeping tropical fish for thirty years. For the past 12 years he’s dealt exclusively with the fresh water fish known as the Apistogramma or Dwarf Cichlid. Found in the wild of South America and Africa, Cichlid’s are also well suited for aquarium life. Soars says that Dwarf Cichlid’s are beautiful to look at and surprisingly easy to care for. “They are easy to maintain, even in Central Oregon,” says Soares. He says that, “unlike goldfish, Cichlids demonstrate complex behaviors and are fun to watch.”
Soares’ goal of building and operating a hatchery came to pass when he converted his garage into a 900 square foot hatchery. Over the past 12 years, he’s managed to spawn about 40 different species of Apsitogramma in his hatchery. Soares partners with fellow Cichlid devote, Uwe Roamer, who is from Germany. Their collaborative efforts have produced several publications, including a guide to the fish called Cichild Atlas 1 as well as an online business that sells the fish from Soares’ hatchery.
For information about this or other library programs, please call 312-1032.
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