
Dreaming Ourselves Forward

Posted By:  Liz Goodrich
Date Posted:  6/22/2012

Caroline StrattonDeschutes Public Library welcomes local therapist Caroline Stratton to the Redmond Public Library on Tuesday, June 26 at 6:30 PM. The program is free and open to the public and part of the Deschutes Public Library Adult Summer Reading Program being offered throughout the county.

During her presentation, Stratton will explore how the symbols and archetypes of dreams can help us understand ourselves at a deeper level. Participants are encouraged to bring a dream to share.

Stratton’s long term study of Astrology and personal/spiritual growth led to a bachelor & Masters degree in psychology and she has been a practicing therapist since 1990. She is a 30 year yoga practitioner, avid horse woman, artist, and mother of two adult children. She has lived in and loved Central Oregon for 25 years.

For more information about this or other library programs, please visit the library website at People with disabilities needing accommodations (alternative formats, seating or auxiliary aides) should contact Liz at 312-1032.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
