
Know Politics: Ed Kennedy’s War: V-E Day, Censorship, and the Associated Press

Posted By:  Tina Walker Davis
Date Posted:  9/30/2012

On V-E Day, May 7, 1945, Associated Press (AP) reporter Ed Kennedy became most famous—or infamous—American correspondent of World War II by breaking the news of the Allied victory in defiance of a military order that American journalist were to remain silent. On that day in France, General Alfred Jodl signed the official documents as the Germans surrendered to the Allies. Army officials allowed a select number of reporters, including Kennedy, to witness this historic moment—but then instructed the journalists that the story was under military embargo. In a courageous but costly move, Kennedy defied the military embargo and broke the news of the Allied victory. His scoop generated instant controversy. Rival news organizations angrily protested, and the AP fired him several months after the war ended.
Nearly seven decades later the AP apologized for the firing in the introduction to the book Ed Kennedy’s War (Louisiana State University Press, 2012). Julia Kennedy Cochran, who edited her father’s memoirs and wrote the prologue to the book, will discuss Kennedy’s experience on Thursday, October 4, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at the East Bend Public Library. This free presentation and discussion is open to the public.
Julia Kennedy Cochran worked as a journalist in New York City for the Associated Press, Reuters, and Business Week magazine. Her first post-college job was on the Associated Press New York City desk. She obtained a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA at Columbia University. Julia also worked as a marketing manager at high-tech companies in New York and Seattle subsequent to her journalist career. She now lives in Bend, Oregon, where she and her husband Ron Cochran own Quail Run Ranch, a sheep ranch, in Tumalo.
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Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
