
Jim Gill's Music Play With Purpose Workshop

Posted By:  Heather McNeil
Date Posted:  9/24/2013

Jim Gill, children's musician and author, will conduct a workshop for adults on using music to teach literacy and personal skills. Based on graduate studies in child development and 20 years of experience leading play programs for families , Jim demonstrates how active music play provides a context for children to develop abilities, such as self-regulation, essential to school success. Jim’s clever word play and rhymes also provide broad opportunities for literacy development.

October 26, 2013 - 3:00 PM
Downtown Bend Library
Brooks Meeting Room

Registration is recommended and can be completed online at the link above.

Early childhood professionals and librarians will leave the session with a repertoire of music play activities that can be put to immediate –and purposeful- use in their programming. Best of all, they will leave the session understanding the power of play to inspire, in children, agility in thought and a love of learning.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
