
Know DIY: Create Hand Puppets

Posted By:  Liz Goodrich
Date Posted:  11/22/2013

Bunny PuppetsLocal seamstress Allison Murphy embraces all kinds of D.I.Y. and crafty goodness. Let her show you how to make a set of bunny hand puppets during workshops at the Sisters and East Bend Libraries. The workshops are free and open to the public and part of the Know D.I.Y. series. Space is limited and participants ages 8 and up are welcome. 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Register online or by calling 541/312-1032.

Sunday, December 8, 2013 • 2:00 p.m.
Sisters Library

Thursday, December 12, 2013 • 6:00 p.m.
East Bend Library

According to Murphy the world of D.I.Y. has been strong in underground and subculture scenes since the ‘70s and ‘80s. “I believe the current attraction to D.I.Y. activities stem from rumblings regarding irresponsible corporate practices,” says Murphy. “We are seeing a collective awakening of individual ability to be the change they wish to see and to make more beauty in the world.” She adds that well-designed blogs and the internet have helped the movement. Murphy believes D.I.Y. projects teach creative problem solving, basic construction skills, and most importantly give rise to an empowerment and an "I can do this” attitude. Why hand puppets? “Hand puppets are easy to make and FUN. Anything can become a puppet: a sock, a paper bag, a banana peel and that puppet can be used to teach a lesson, produce a belly laugh, express an emotion, make someone feel loved,” says Murphy.

Murphy, who runs utilitu, a successful alterations and custom sewing shop, enjoys sewing, collage, cooking, thrifting and homesteading. Her future plans include classes and lessons at utilituSEW, a newly opened sewing lounge tucked away in Downtown Bend.

For more information about this or other library programs, please visit the library website at People with disabilities needing accommodations (alternative formats, seating or auxiliary aides) should contact Liz at 312-1032.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
