Free Resume Workshop at the Downtown Bend Public Library
Posted By: Liisa Sjoblom
Date Posted: 4/19/2014
Are you looking for employment? Is your resume up-to-date? Would like to have an expert review your current resume and provide suggestions for changes? Learn how you can update your resume to get the job you want during an interactive workshop, Know Jobs & Resumes on
Monday, May 19th from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. at the Downtown Bend Library.
Staff from Goodwill Job Connection and Deschutes Public Library will share information about their career services; give pointers about best practices for the job search and creating resumes; and work with individuals to review resumes and provide suggestions. Bring your flash drive and save your work. Class size is limited, so registration is recommended. Call 541-617-7080 or click the link above to reserve your seat today!
Goodwill Job Connection is a free service that is designed to help individual find a job within 30 days. Offices are located in Bend (541-389-1796) and Redmond (541-516-4284). Free services include: one-on-one personalized job search assistance, development of effective resumes, interview coaching, referral to local employers based on employment goals, help with local community services, and access to computers, the Internet, and fax machines.