Deschutes Public Library is pleased to announce
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki as the 2015 “A Novel Idea” selection.
A Tale for the Time Being presents the diary of a friendly, funny and strong-willed 16-year-old girl named Nao. Nao spent her formative years in California, but her family has returned to Japan, and when the book begins, she's living in Tokyo. Nao tells readers right up front that her diary will be a log of her last few days on earth. Author Ruth Ozeki explains that she had finished her first draft of her novel in 2011 and then everything changed. “The earthquake in Japan happened, followed by the tsunami and followed by the meltdown at Fukushima,” Ozeki said. “And suddenly when I was watching all of that unfold, I realized that Japan certainly would never be the same and that the book that I had written was no longer relevant." So Ozeki altered the novel. In the final version, the diary winds up on the shores of British Columbia, probably carried there by the tsunami, and is accidentally discovered by a novelist — named Ruth Ozeki.
In its 12th year, “A Novel Idea” remains the largest community read project in Oregon with more than 6,000 residents participating. Thanks to the immense support of our partners, donors and sponsors, we are able to keep “A Novel Idea” events, including cultural programs, book club kits, books for check out and the author event free and accessible for all people throughout Deschutes County. Deschutes Public Library would like to acknowledge the Deschutes Public Library Foundation, Bend Research, the E.H. and M.E. Bowerman Advised Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, the Roundhouse Foundation, the Ward Family Advised Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, Deschutes Cultural Coalition, Oregon Humanities, The Bend Bulletin and the Friends of the Library organizations for ongoing support of “A Novel Idea.”
A Novel Idea kicks off on Sunday, March 29, at the Downtown Bend Library. More than 25 programs, classes, art shows, workshops and performances are planned for “A Novel Idea” 2015. The final event, a presentation by author Ruth Ozeki, is scheduled for Sunday, April 19, at Bend High School at 4:00 p.m. This is a free event but tickets are required. The novel is available through the library in a variety of formats, including large print, e-Book and audiobook versions. The book is also available for sale at local bookstores. Book clubs can request kits by calling (541)312-1032 or e-mailing
For more information about this or other library programs, please visit the library website at