“Know Movement” throughout January at Deschutes Public Library
Posted By: Liz Goodrich
Date Posted: 1/6/2017
We’re delving into movement this January at Deschutes Public Library. We’ll hear about political movements, musical movements and cultural movements. From planning your perfect trail run in Central Oregon to learning about healthy diets to keep you moving, there’s something for everyone during Know Movement.
Opening Up the Poem Workshop*
When an actor breaks the fourth wall by turning to address us, we are startled into a different kind of attention and a different relationship to what’s happening before our eyes. Come join local poet Judith Montgomery as we read, listen and practice ways to break open the poem and draw the reader more deeply into its experience. (*) Space is limited and registration required; register online at the link below.
Yoga and Meditation, Ancient Ways Made Modern
Explore the yoga movement with Breyn Hibbs of Sol Alchemy. Beginning in the early 20th century, yoga slowly moved from the fringes into more-mainstream American culture. Western science and medicine are exploring the potential benefits of yoga, and more organizations and businesses are dedicating resources to employee wellness and fulfillment endeavors that include “yoga at work” programs. As all of this happens, the question arises: what do yoga and meditation have to offer modern American culture?
Second Sunday: Trail Running with Lucas Alberg
Lucas Alberg’s book Trail Running Bend and Central Oregon is an extensive guide to the best trail running in an area known for its trails. From classic high desert runs to the east in the Badlands, to mountain escapes and high alpine scenery to the west in the Cascades, Trail Running Bend and Central Oregon highlights the unique and diverse geography that the region has to offer.
How Words Move Us
Local writers Dani Nichols and Sandy Thompson will present pieces of their prose and poetry about similar subjects. They’ll discuss how the writings are comparable, where they’re different, how each approached a subject, what components might move a reader and why methods of prose and poetry differ.
A Piece of the Musical Puzzle
Michael Gesme explains the what and why of “movements” within larger musical works. Gesme is a Professor Music at Central Oregon Community College and is the Music Director of the Central Oregon Symphony. He has taught various music courses, including music theory, ear traing, music history and conducting.
Enhance Your Health and Keep Your Gut Moving
Learn what your fiber needs are and how to meet them with tasty foods. We will talk about whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits, and ways to include them in your daily eating. Lori Brizee is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist with over 30 years of experience helping people of all ages with a variety of different conditions to improve their health with foods.
Wonder Woman and Feminist Movements
Historian Michelle Seiler Godfrey traces the development of feminist movements from women’ suffrage and the New Woman of the 1920s through the activists of the 1960s and 1970s. We will learn about the women both real and fictional who lead these movements. In particular, we will explore how Wonder Woman, whose creator believed women should rule the world, broke comic book stereotypes.
American Populism Past and Present
Neither Donald J. Trump nor The Occupy Movement invented Populism. Both are recent examples of socio-political groups that draw their respective energy from mobilizing discontent. Populists have a long lineage, and have assumed many forms, throughout American history. James Foster of OSU-Cascades surveys the history and consequences of American Populism.
For more information about this or other library programs, please visit the library website at www.deschuteslibrary.org. People with disabilities needing accommodations (alternative formats, seating or auxiliary aides) should contact Liz at 541-312-1032.