
Social Emotional Learning: Books for Growing, Understanding, Healing

Posted By:  Heather McNeil
Date Posted:  10/1/2018

Social Emotional LearningParents and teachers often ask library staff for books to help with many tough topics, such as sharing, bullying, patience, persistence, friendship, diversity, empathy and kindness.  The library certainly offers many books that address those subjects.  Here are a few tips to help you find what you need.

Picture books are now arranged by categories, and one of them is Growing Up.  That’s where you’ll find short stories just right for the classroom, or for one-on-one, that address many of the topics listed above.  If you’re visiting the library, look for the picture books with the red Growing Up label.  Another category is Our World (dark blue), and there you’ll find picture books about diversity, civil rights, immigrants and more.

Or, do a keyword search in the online catalog.  Chapter books are still just by author, but you can also search them by keyword.  And be sure to check the “Explore Further” options on the right side of the catalog listing of any title that seems relevant, and you’ll find more choices.  We've also created a list to help you get started.

If you’re a member of Pinterest, be sure to check out Deschutes Library’s Pinterest page.  One of the boards is Social Emotional Learning, and it includes not only recommended titles but also activities to help children understand their own feelings, as well as those of others.

Finally, please ask library staff to help you find just what you need.  We’re always happy to help you KNOW MORE.

Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
