
Deschutes Public Library Completes Facilities Capital Plan

Posted By:  Todd Dunkelberg
Date Posted:  12/7/2018

The Deschutes Public Library is approaching its 100th birthday and looks forward to serving Deschutes County residents for 100 more years. To prepare for a dynamic next chapter, the library completed a Facilities Capital Plan that is the culmination of two years of intensive study and substantial community involvement. The plan outlines a vision for future library spaces and services needed to meet the demands of the 21st century and to keep pace with Deschutes County’s rapid population growth. The process included extensive outreach to more than 1,600 stakeholders and community members throughout Deschutes County.

“As we approach the 100th year anniversary of libraries in Deschutes County, the library board and staff feel a keen sense of responsibility for ensuring we have adequate space and flexible facilities to meet the needs of our growing population for decades to come,” Deschutes Public Library District Board President Ann Malkin said. “The Capital Plan is our first step to address these needs and plan for a bright future for all of our communities in Deschutes County.”

The Capital Plan provides an innovative vision for library spaces and services, such as:

  • Hands-on children discovery centers
  • Flexible spaces that allow for innovation and collaboration such as creative/maker activities, tutoring assistance, business meetings and other gatherings
  • Expand the digital and physical library collections and provide easier browsability
  • Performance space for cultural programs to serve Deschutes County
  • Premier technology hubs and training centers

“The library board reviewed the Capital Plan thoroughly and reached consensus on the framework laid out in the document,” stated Malkin. “We’ve done our homework and know how much the citizens of Deschutes County love and rely on their libraries as a source of learning, entertainment and culture.”

According to Library Director Todd Dunkelberg, the next steps are to work with architects and the community to consider future building development and partnerships.

“This report offers an exciting roadmap to a robust, interactive library that builds on our past success and transitions our services to reflect the changing needs of our community,” said Library Director Todd Dunkelberg. “We are eager to begin.”


The full plan is available to view online.


For more information, please contact Todd Dunkelberg at (541) 312-1021 or


Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
