
Are you interested in starting a book club? All you need is a group of people with a willingness to read. One of our favorite resources, LitLovers has 10 basic steps to help you start a book club.

Having trouble selecting your next book? DPL has a collection of book club kits including mysteries, historical fiction, and some of the most engaging titles available to check out now. You can find a complete listing on the online catalog. What about hosting a genre club or a club to talk about your favorite reads? Talk to a librarian for more resources to get you started and invite a librarian to book talk the latest books to your group.

Discover great ideas for leading a discussion.
Community Librarians share their favorite book club tips.


Downtown Bend Library

Discussing movie or musical adaptations is a fun way to get another lens into the book!

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La Pine Library

Add a bit of pizazz to your next book club meeting by creating table décor to match the theme of the book using 3D and 2D items.

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Sunriver Library

Visiting the author’s website is my go-to for book club – you never know what extras you’ll find! This will lead to thrilling and fascinating discussions!

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Redmond Library

Group activities are always fun during a book club. When my group read a murder mystery set across two timelines, we diagramed the family trees on a flipchart.

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Sisters Library

Start by discussing the author’s writing style – share favorite sentences and character descriptions.

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Page Last Modified Wednesday, March 8, 2023
