Got a broken something? Bring it to be repaired!
¿Tienes algo que esté roto? ¡Tráelo al Repair Café!
This is an in-person program.The Environmental Center's Rethink Waste Project coordinates with an amazing group of volunteer fixers to host Repair Cafés every few months. These free events connect people with broken stuff to people who like to fix stuff - they're all about repairing things (together). Stuff like jewelry, small appliances and electronics, outdoor gear, clothing, and more. Repair Cafés are held around the world! Repairing with other people saves natural resources, prevents waste, and cultivates community.
What to expectAttendees bring their broken items to the registration table to receive a Repair Ticket, then wait until their number is called. Experienced fixer volunteers will attempt to repair or mend your items and may teach you how to fix them yourself. Fixers can diagnose an issue and offer their best, unbiased advice.
Some items are more difficult to repair, can take longer than we have time for at the event, or even break more during a repair attempt. Our repair rate is over 65%, with most of the remaining items receiving take-home repair instructions.
What to bringClothing, textiles, outdoor gear, electronics, small appliances, and other household goods. Not sure if it can be fixed? Bring it!
Only bring items small enough to be easily carried by one person, and do not bring any items that are leaking, dangerous, or dirty. Repairers can turn down any items that do not meet these guidelines.
A maximum of one broken item per person will be examined at a time, but you are welcome to bring several items. After each item is examined/repaired, you must return to the registration table to be matched with another fixer volunteer for a second item.
We will have a runner who will make trips to the hardware store if parts are needed. While the event and repairs are free, you will be responsible for the cost of any additional parts. Please bring cash for parts just in case!
The Environmental Center was born to inspire locals to live lighter on the planet. Our work began with a handful of people and a building in the center of Bend. Today, we've grown to become a regional leader in environmental education, engagement, and action. Our team works alongside people of all ages, local businesses, and elected officials to create and advocate for meaningful, lasting change. Through unique programs and partnerships, we strive to engage as many people as possible in our mission: To embed sustainability into daily life in Central Oregon. Learn more at
¿Tienes algo que esté roto? ¡Tráelo al Repair Café!El Rethink Waste del The Environmental Center está coordinado con un increíble grupo de reparadores voluntarios para organizar Repair Cafés cada pocos meses. Estos eventos gratuitos conectan a las personas con cosas rotas con las personas a las que les gusta arreglar cosas: se trata de reparar cosas (juntos). Cosas como joyas, pequeños electrodomésticos y productos electrónicos, equipo de exteriores, ropa y más.
¡Los Repair Cafés se llevan a cabo en todo el mundo! Reparar con otras personas ahorra recursos naturales, evita el desperdicio y cultiva la comunidad.
Tendremos interpretación en español disponible en el evento
Sisters Firehouse Community Hall: 301 S Elm St, Sisters, OR 97759