Deschutes Public Library and SMART team up for A Novel Idea Program
The Library’s outreach for this year’s Novel Idea program,
extended to 660 children who participate in the SMART (Start Making a Reader Today)
Program throughout Deschutes County.
The SMART readers were asked to read, Chasing Dreams – A Man Named Bowerman compiled
by Peter Gilmore. The book summarizes the life of famed University of Oregon Track
& Field Coach and co-founder of Nike, Bill Bowerman.
“The book is a very condensed and age-appropriate read about the man we are celebrating
through this year’s Novel Idea selection by Kenny Moore, Bowerman and the Men of
Oregon,” said Community Relations Manager Chantal Strobel. “The theme of the SMART
program was “Chasing Dreams” which is symbolic of Bill’s spirits that anything is
possible to any one who puts forth the effort and focus.”
After completing the book, the children were asked to design their dream running
shoe on paper.
“Bill Bowerman tinkered and created things is whole life,” said Strobel. “Children
do this naturally and it’s been wonderful to see the creations that have come forth
and the logic behind their creations.”
The Library’s committee selected two winners, two second place finishers, and one
honorable mention. The children represent all areas from across Deschutes County.
McKae Winegar of Vern Patrick Elementary in Redmond and Jackson T. of Pine Ridge
Elementary in Bend were the two winning selections.
Steven Cox of Evergreen Elementary and K’Lynn Roloff of La Pine Elementary were
the runners up. Abby Lynch from Sisters Elementary received an Honorable Mention
for her artistic creation.
The five children and their SMART volunteers will be honored at a private reception
with Novel Idea author Kenny Moore on Friday, May 11.

First Place
Jackson T.

First Place
McKae Winegar

Second Place
Steven Cox

Second Place
K'Lynn Roloff
La Pine

Honorable Mention
Abby Lynch