
Legal Resources

Deschutes Public Library is contracted by Deschutes County to serve as the county law library.

The law library provides access to statutes, rules, cases and other legal information through printed materials and electronic access. A computer is available for legal research.

Staff may not recommend or assist in the preparation of forms, interpret statutes, cases, and regulations, perform legal research, or advise patrons regarding their legal rights. Staff is available to help patrons locate materials or links that may aid in an individual search

Library Resources

Bar Books

An online library of top rated legal resources including sample forms written by and for Oregon lawyers. Available anywhere you have internet access and a digital token from the library. Ask at the information desk on the second-floor of the Downtown Bend Library or call 541-617-7080 for tokens.

For the Record

Digital audio software used to listen to official court recordings. Available on the Law Library laptop at Downtown Bend Library, second-floor reference desk. Ask to check out for in-house use.


Featuring the Oregon State Package and Public Library Package, access image-based, multi-disciplinary coverage from inception of U.S. statutory materials, U.S. Congressional Documents and more than 2,900 scholarly journals. Full text of state and federal case law powered by Fastcase is included.


Aimed at students, law school faculty and legal researchers, this resource provides indexing for more than 1,400 titles including major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals and international legal journals.

LexisNexis Advance

Legal research database featuring state and fedaral case law with analysis, statutes and regulations; law journals, encyclopedias, treatises and Shepard's citator. Available on the Law Library laptop at Downtown Bend Library, second-floor reference desk. Ask to check out for in-house use.

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This resource includes the United States Code, United States Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Cases; and cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, constitutions, attorney general opinions, and session laws for Oregon, Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington. Register for access.
Oregon Law Help
Free legal guides and help for low-income Oregonians, run by the Center for Non-Profit Legal Services, Legal Aid and Oregon Law Center
Oregon State Bar Association Legal Information for the Public
General legal information on a variety of topics, provided as a public service by Oregon's lawyers
Oregon Judicial Department Self Help Center
Resources for people who want to learn more about Oregon’s laws and courts, or want to represent themselves in a legal matter
Nolo Guides – Print
The library has Nolo guides for many areas of law in the print collection. They are good starting points for research, but will not hold all the answers for Oregon-specific questions.
Nolo Guides – Digital
The State of Oregon Law Library provides access to full-text versions of legal reference books including Nolo guides. Register for a free account to access this resource.
Deschutes County Code
Can be browsed by broad subjects, or keyword searched.
City of Bend Code
Browse by chapter, or open as a PDF then use Edit>Find to search.
City of La Pine - Ordinances
Use the search box, or browse through the list.
City of Redmond Code
Open as a PDF then use Edit>Find to search.
City of Sisters Code
Open a specific type of code, then browse by Title or click Ctrl+F to search the page.
Oregon Revised Statutes


Search by citation or use the two-volume subject index.

United States Code

The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives.

Oregon has only a few official legal forms, mostly for family law and small claims, with some forms available for DUII and evictions. County courts generally have some specific forms as well, typically involving family law. In many cases, you must draft your own. You will have to research the law to determine what information needs to be included.

Legal Forms – Oregon
The library subscribes to this database of Oregon-specific legal forms and sample documents. Note that forms are listed as US or OR. Those with the OR preface are specific to Oregon.
Oregon Judicial Department – Forms
Deschutes county is shifting towards relying on the state forms, so this is the link where the packets for family law cases (divorce/custody) and restraining orders are found since we use the state forms
Deschutes County Trial Court Forms
This is where local Deschutes forms can be found and you will see a list of what types of forms are housed here now at that link (e.g. certain local miscellaneous family law forms but NOT the primary packets to initiate a case, small claims, FED/landlord)
Legal Aid
541-385-6944 or 1-800-678-6944
20360 Empire Avenue, Suite B3, Bend
Legal aid is a non-profit organization that provides representation on civil cases to low-income clients throughout Oregon.
Oregon State Bar Referral Service
Toll free: 1-800-452-7636
Lawyer Referral Service - 30 minute consultation with a lawyer for $35 or less
Modest Means Program - Reduced cost legal assistance for low- and moderate-income Oregonians, 30 minute consultation for $35 or less; reduced rate after initial consultation
Military Assistance Panel - Up to 2 hours of free legal advice for active duty service members and their dependents
Youth Problem Solvers - Free 30 minute consultations for youth between the ages of 13 - 17
Community Solutions of Central Oregon
1029 NW 14th St., Bend
Central Oregon’s mediation group serving the tri-county area helps with such things as family disagreements, neighbor disputes, divorce and guardianship issues, code and zoning disputes.
Deschutes County Juvenile Justice
63360 NW Britta St #1, Bend
Information on many aspects of juvenile justice including run-aways and emancipation and links to local services working with youth.
Deschutes County Victims Assistance
Contact the District Attorney’s office at 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon 97701.
Phone: 541-388-6525
National directory of attorneys, searchable by area of expertise.

Federal Courts

U.S. District Court: District of Oregon

State Courts

Deschutes County Circuit Court
1100 NW Bond Street, Bend
The circuit court is Oregon's trial court of general jurisdiction. It hears cases regardless of the subject matter, amount of money involved, or the severity of the crime alleged.

Municipal and County Courts

City of Bend Municipal Court
555 NE 15th St., Bend
Municipal courts primarily hear traffic violations and crimes; violations of municipal codes and ordinances; vehicle impoundments and forfeitures; and parking and pedestrian violations.
Deschutes County Justice Court
2444 SW Glacier Place, Redmond
Justice courts have jurisdiction over traffic, boating, wildlife and other violations occurring in their county.

Tribal Courts

Warm Springs Tribal Court
The mission of Tribal Court, Court Administration and the Public Administrator is to provide fair, impartial, efficient and effective resolution of criminal and civil cases and estates through the application of Tribal Laws and community standards.

Page Last Modified Thursday, July 25, 2024
