Hear how animals can help us understand our own evolution and behaviors.
This is an in-person program. Masks are required at all in-person library events. This presentation will look at the social behavior of animals with a specific focus on non-human primates, what they can tell us about our own status-seeking behaviors, and our evolutionary history as it pertains to inequity.
Dr. Michel Waller is an Associate Professor at COCC. He has over 20 years of experience as an anthropologist who has studied primatology, human evolution, and archaeology. His field studies include chimpanzee/human interactions in Senegal and bonobo/human interactions in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. Dr. Waller studies primate socioecology and behavior in an effort to better understand the spectrum of factors that have shaped early human evolution. His research has focused on ranging behavior, territoriality, aggression, and tolerance.